Monday, January 24, 2011


life not moving smooth..
side window of my car was broke by someone,
my coach beg and my friend beg have been stolen.
she was emo untill now...
my iphone gone :(
i need to paid for the repair bill.


he is just ... more than i think he is,
i don't understand how his "brothers"can stand his attitude and the way he talk,
he never think about others feeling at that moment when he starts open his mouth,
he don't ever think the way he act are hurting others,
maybe he just don't care, 
i'm not important and useless for him,


do you guy know if i willing to tell you about my problem or share the opinion about others,
are mean that i really trusted and treated you guy as my bff?
and do not hope you get hurt by those ppl (avoid from *D)  or repeat the mistake i had made,
maybe i just too childish for this.
"dont ask me anything if you trying to *shoot me down"
"i dont answer you because i know whatever i say, you are going to *shoot me"
*the way you talk just throwing shit around* 
"remain silent not because you win the talk, just no point argue with a friend that i care"
"sharing is caring for CHS, sharing is hurting ownself for NOW"
*this is why i prefer to keep my mouth shut* :)


college life... huuuu
stress - ässignment, project, presentation, draft, artwork and others...
although is stress, when WIVI meow around everything change.. :)
love you WIVI! meow for you! :P


wish when CNY started, life move smooth..
"FML" this word will gone...

**be happy, stay happy**

Monday, January 17, 2011

new year new start :)

stop blogging at,
make the past into past,
no point to remember the past,
past never make me feel happy than now,
just let it end.
that is also why i decided to open a new blog, with a new link. :)
besides that, in one month time, i will not use my 017-28***** anymore,
i will register a digi line soon.
currently life:
for this new sem i work & study.
i usually work on wed, thurs, fri, & sat night. sometime sunday too.
for mon, tues and wed afternoon, i will be at my college study.
i think this is the only way, to stop my past lifestyle.
study - inti college,subang.
work - neway, puchong.

be happy, stay happy.