Wednesday, May 18, 2011


one day used around RM10 or less still consider over-spent??
3 ALPHA - W.T.F!!
i couldn't understand why u said so??
what HOLIDAYSSS mean to u??
stay at home everyday?? 
when there were classes, no night-life, no-movies, no-yumcha, no-outdoor activities,
but excuse me!! i finished my final examination, i having my holidays NOW!!!
just because i went out for tea-time, u said i waste money, over-spent??!!!
"don't you remember from study weeks until now (more than 1 month) i didnt received my allowance from you?"
when i started to ask for,
i received WORDS, your F* attitude, and your bad emotional!
four weeks, RM50 for acupuncture, RM15 for me to spent, RM20 for car wash...
i confirmed i received not more RM100 from you for FOUR WEEKS!!!
i didnt ask for more, i just wanna get some money for lunch today, 
but what did you said??? 
“几天前我给你的钱( you mean the RM15?)用完了?那洗车的钱(RM20)叻?你可不可以不要乱乱花钱!”
 i just look at her, speechless and walk away..
did i simply used her money she gave?? i kept asking my self!

fine! i will look for a job!!

i will make sure my self remember these situation!
in future, i will repay you!!
@maggie-mee - for future days!! if she not going to cook!! started now- my lunch!! 


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