Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sydney final :) - MASUYA/tarongaZOO/

thank to my aunt and uncle for bringing me along to SYDNEY.
really enjoyed and appreciated.

they have a great Japan foods here... 

needed 2 table to placed this wooden ship.

晚餐里, 我觉得最好吃的!
ordered more than 3 plates of this. :)

 claypot tempura udon..
enough for 5 persons eat. :)

 Taronga zoo - Sydney
walked part of the zoo,
after kangaroo, we went back for breakfast & lunch.
 views of the zoo..

 here  we go.... KANGAROO...

after zoo, we went to fish market... :)
 salad prawn


 cute girl, she understood every instruction gave by her mom. :)

 i think this shop is at somewhere near kent st.
they actually name their shop 吃喝睡! haha

 last day before we left Sydney.
back to the same place have our dinner. :)
我的姨丈知道我喜欢吃龙虾,所以在离开前一晚又带我去吃 :)

 mini ice-cream...!!!!

 back to HONG KONG.

 the last night at HONG KONG ..
went to wong kok alone... :)
shopping :)


before boarding... ate this. :)

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